Calm Birth Melbourne Frances Perry House

Obstetrician Melbourne Calm Birthing Melbourne

Childbirth is a transformative journey, and your birth plan can profoundly influence your overall experience. Opting for calm birth preparation empowers expectant parents with the tools and knowledge necessary for a natural birth while effectively managing pain. By embracing relaxation techniques, mindfulness practices, and a deeper understanding of childbirth, individuals and couples can approach labour confidently, creating a peaceful environment for the baby’s much-anticipated arrival.

What is Calm Birthing?

Calm Birth is about taking a relaxed and mindful approach to childbirth aligning with the common preference for a ‘natural birth’: a drug-free, tear-free, vaginal delivery. This method aims to create a peaceful and empowering experience, allowing expecting parents to deeply connect with their bodies, their baby, and the entire birthing process. Encouraging active participation from birth partners strengthens emotional bonds and enhances the overall birth experience.

Whether through techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or even opting for water births, the aim is to reduce stress, ease labour pain, and keep interventions to a minimum, all while boosting that sense of control and confidence during this incredible journey.

While a calm birth can’t be guaranteed, it’s important to note that calm birth techniques have a statistically proven track record of enhancing birth outcomes. Therefore, there’s no harm in giving them a try, even if medical intervention remains a possibility.

Calm Birth vs Hypnobirth: What is the Difference?

Both calm birthing and hypnobirthing aim to create a positive and empowering birthing experience by reducing fear and anxiety; however, they differ in their techniques.

Calm Birthing

Focuses on relaxation, mindfulness, and emotional well-being, equipping you with relaxation, breathing, and visualisation techniques that can be utilised throughout labour.


Hypnobirthing is a childbirth technique that utilises self-hypnosis, relaxation, and visualisation techniques to alleviate pain and anxiety during labour and delivery.

Through hypnobirthing, expectant mothers learn to enter a state of deep relaxation, allowing them to work with their bodies during childbirth rather than against them. This approach empowers women to feel more in control and confident throughout the birthing process. It can reduce the need for pain relief, ease pre-birth anxiety and enhance the likelihood of a natural, tear-free birth.

Preparing For Your Calm Birth

You can count on Dr Peter Jurcevic as your dedicated private obstetrician in Melbourne. He is committed to supporting you throughout your unique child-birthing journey and goes the extra mile by offering expert guidance and connecting you with trusted childbirth education programs, classes, courses and specialists. 

Dr Peter Jurcevic understands that your birthing experience may involve distinct preferences, concerns, or health considerations. That’s why he takes pride in advocating for your choices and ensuring you’re well-informed about calm birthing techniques that can nurture a natural delivery.

Whichever birthing option you choose, from a calm birth to a maternal-assisted caesarean and everything in between, Dr Peter Jurcevic will provide personalised support and a pathway to a more relaxed and empowered birthing experience.

Calm Birth FAQ

Dr Peter collaborates with renowned calm birth specialists, tailoring their expertise to your specific goals. These calm birth and hypnobirthing experts will equip you with an understanding of relaxation and breathing techniques to ensure a serene and empowering birth experience.

Calm Birthing prioritises relaxation, emotional well-being, and a drug-free, natural birthing experience, while traditional childbirth methods may involve a wider range of medical interventions and pain relief options. The choice between the two approaches depends on personal preferences and individual circumstances.

Calm Birthing breathing methods can often be combined with other pain relief methods or medical interventions, depending on the individual's preferences and the circumstances of the birthing process.
