
To make an appointment please contact us on (03) 9348 0699.
For general enquiries please fill out the contact form below.

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Contact number
(03) 9348 0699

Fax number
(03) 9347 4304


Please note, due to medico-legal issues, medical advice can’t be given via Email. Please call with any medical concerns or raise them at your next appointment

Emergency Contact
(Pager after hours/weekend contact)
(03) 9387 1000 and ask for Dr Jurcevic

Delivery Suite Frances Perry House
(03) 9344 5100

The Royal Women’s Hospital
(03) 8345 2000

Emergency contact details

Office hours are 9–5 Monday to Friday, and reception staff are available to answer general enquiries, make appointments and discuss fees. If you have a question for Dr Jurcevic that cannot wait until your next appointment, please call the staff and if they are unable to answer it they will leave a message with Dr Jurcevic.

If you feel you need an urgent opinion or care after hours or on weekends, call (03) 9387 1000 and ask for Dr Jurcevic. This service is only available to existing patients and women who have booked in for pregnancy care but have not had their first appointment.

If you think you are in labour or might have broken your waters, or have problems in your pregnancy after 20 weeks, call the midwives at your hospital. They will give you guidance about simple matters, advise you when it is time to come to hospital or may suggest you page Dr Jurcevic.

At any time, if you believe there is a serious emergency, you should call an ambulance on 000.